CooKie Of Legend 441 Logo
Hey Guys..
Last weekend i went to the Al-Khair mosque where there is event. My paernts were having 2 mini stall together with the Al-Khair mosque group Called SMK(Sohibul Masjid Khair) it has been 5yrs since my parents joined that group.
Usually SMK have a morning excercise for all ages on Every SundayMost of them were Senior Citizens,And Last weekend there are having event,My parents group stall sells Rojak & BurgerAnd 1 more stall sells Beautiful scarfsIm working during that day,So i took time off at 3pm to go to the mosque to help out my Parents.That was ont the saturday.. When there is no customer,I went around the mosque browsing other stall..I found this interesting stall selling Cookies & Cup Cakes.The most interesting part is.. we can decorate them!!SO!!I DECORATED Legend 441 Logo on itWith My Nick on it..I use the colourfull sugar-cream to decorate it..I even decorate the Sugar-creamAround it before taking the pic'sAfter decorating it..HAHA..What else do u do to a cookie?Its edible Duhh...HeHe..I'M GONNA EAT IT!!!Signing Off Nishika